Tuesday 7 January 2014


"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come," Victor Hugo.

During one of our numerous trips from Mutoko we gave transport to a woman experiencing prolonged labour. She had been in labour for three days and so she had to be transported to a bigger hospital for an operation to be administered. Her pain was apparent to all of us. 

As we approached the hospital we heard a loud knock on the screen of the van. It was the pregnant woman's mother in law signalling we had stop the van as her daughter was finally giving birth. I looked at my friend with that kind of a look which was meant to communicate that I had to be excused from that expedition and that he had to go assist because after all he is a father of four. Besides, along the way after giving a ride to these women, my friend had related to me how he had witnessed her wife giving birth thrice. He stared back at me as he grabbed my hand and together we went to the back of the van. 

What I witnessed on that day was my most phenomenal experience. I did not know what to do, what to touch or where to look. As the woman struggled to push the baby out, I could not help but join the encouraging team in shouting, 'push, push, push'. In no time, for the first time I witnessed the greatest miracle of all time, the birth of another human being. Obviously my friend did much of the work which includes cutting the umbilical cord as I gave him a hand in my fascination and bewilderment. 

This experience taught me so many lessons and it totally transformed my perception towards women. It gave me more reasons to value and respect women. The other lesson I siphoned from this has everything to do with time. I learnt that when its a thing's time, whether the conditions are conducive or not, permiting or not, nothing can stop it. Even though the conditions were constricting for delivery to take place, the fact that it was time made the conditions conducive even though they were not actually conducive. 

Think of it, this woman spent three days in a clinic but she could not deliver even though the conditions were conducive for delivery. Why?? Because it was not yet time. When the time was ripe, even though the conditions were not ripe, she pushed that baby out. It happened in the middle of the road, in a bush, back of beyond. There was no nurse or a medical practitioner but she successfully delivered. 

Here is the deal, some of you know deep within that the time for your ideas to germinate has come but the conditions are not conducive. You know its your time to take take that leap of faith but your conditions seem to be screeming a contrary message to you. 

Push that devil aside, enter into your season of elevation and new begginings. It doesn't matter weather its in the bush or wherever, push that baby out, push that dream out, push that job out, push that marriage out, push that business out. Push, push, push.

So what if you don't have the money? Push anyway, its your time. So what if you are not qualified? Push anyway, its your time. So what if you have never done it before? Push anyway, its your time.

Due to the fact that time is ripe, everything around you will cooperate with the agenda of you delivering that bouncing baby.

Mwana Mutoko

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